St Nicholas-at-Wade celebrities

Some famous residents of St Nicholas-at-Wade include the following. The village connections of the Bridges family and TJ in particular were celebrated on 28 June 2003 in 'Bridges Between Nations', the Sixth John Briggs Memorial Lecture, at which Ben Jones (grandson of TJ) and Lord Bridges (grandson of Robert Bridges) both spoke, and international soprano Christine Hubbard sang some songs with words by Robert Bridges.

Thanet to Tasmania book cover

Hobbs book cover

Although he does not seem to have been a resident at any time, it's interesting to note that on 13 June 1948, Dylan Thomas introduced the BBC radio programme "Country Magazine" live from the Bell Inn. There is a fascinating article about this broadcast (check out the linked local press coverage too).

Finally, judging purely on the basis of the "number of column inches in the world's press" (primarily USA), the most famous residents appear to have been dogs. Out of over 300 articles mentioning St Nicholas-at-Wade on, over 50 of them refer to a single incident in 1955 when "Woo Woo" (actually Bow-wow), the dog of "Mrs Triston Jones" (actually Tristan: son of TJ above), fell down a 40-foot unused sewer and was rescued four days later by Ross Baldock, whose own dog "Bella" had fallen into the same hole. The next most popular mention is Sofer Whitburn's greyhound "Wise Counsellor", who died of exhaustion (the hares' revenge?) during a coursing meet in 1930.